Envago Software
A combined platform focused on sustainability management and disclosure – measure, manage, disclose, and review.
The Envago combined platform focuses on sustainability management and disclosure to help organisations gain clarity on the effectiveness of environmental efforts.
The Envago platform is helping quantify and improve the ESG initiatives of multinational organisations, ASX-listed resource giants, and the contractors who serve them.
Built by renowned Australian environmental accountancy, Greenbase, it:
Connects sustainability and economic performance
Enables management of ESG data on an Enterprise level
Can be configured to your current ESG management frameworks
Maps to all major disclosure requirements
Measure Manage Disclose Review
Workspaces to coordinate, collect and govern the data required for sustainability management.
Carbon to budget, track, and project your carbon emissions on your journey to Net Zero
Disclosures to manage the disclosure of your indicators against regulatory and voluntary sustainability frameworks such as GRI, SASB, NGER and other reporting standards
Review, track and access all the changes and documents with a user account (available for each nominated member of your sustainability team)
Greenbase Index of Methods and Standards - Powered by Precision
Greenbase Index of Methods and Standards (GIMS) is an executable methods library that currently houses 1,700 registered methodologies from 100+ manuals worldwide.
Greenbase maintains a watching brief over the relevant industry manuals and legislation with a view to including all applicable changes in GIMS so they are always current and auditable.
Save countless hours of researching, reading manuals, referencing legislation and creating and checking formulas every year. Let our team of Environmental specialists do the hard work for you with precision and transparency.
Insights for in-house ESG teams.
Envago is now available as self-service software. Work more efficiently by using the same frameworks as one of Australia’s longest-established environmental and sustainability accountants.
Envago Carbon
Budget, track, and project your carbon emissions on the journey to Net Zero.
Envago ESG
Build and design your sustainability databook for disclosure of ESG and sustainability indicators.
Envago Workspaces
Coordinate, collect and govern the data required for sustainability management.
Envago NGER
Designed to report to the Australian Government’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) program.
Envago NPI
Designed to report under the Australian Government’s National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) program.
Envago GHG
A module specifically designed to report under the GHG Protocol and to the ISO 14064 standard.